Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Back when my sister Clarice and I were growing up we had two "big brothers!"  Bob went away to college the year Clarice was born!  But, 70 years later, they look like such "little boys"--but doing men's jobs!

 Robert Hancock Conner
U.S. Navy, SM 2/c
March, 1943 - 28 Nov 1946

15 June 1923 - 12 Dec 2003

Letter from Mom Arlene Conner to Grandpa and Grandma Noyes, 15 March 1943.  "...A letter from Bob stated that he had the German measles.  Said he'd felt rotten all the way out [to Farragut Naval Training Station for basic training] & on Monday morning noticed quite a rash so went to an M.D.  Dr. said he was nearly over them & told him to go along as if nothing had happened...."

"Home Breezes, Greetings to the Boys in Service from The First Methodist Church, Wausau, Wisconsin," Vol. 2, June 1944, No. 6.  "Robert Conner--we all remember his fine record in High School; after graduation he entered Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, IA, and after 1 1/2 yrs. he enlisted in the U.S. Navy.  Upon the completion of his boot training at Farragut, Idaho, he was transferred to the Navy school at Los Angeles where he entered the branch of signaling.  Here he finished one of the two highest in the class.  For advanced training in merchant signaling he was sent to Treasure Island in the Pacific out from San Francisco.  Thence he was sent to New Orleans at which port he embarked on the new merchant ship 'Thos. F. Cunningham' on which he has since made three trips to England where he is at present."

Farragut Naval Training Station, Farragut, Idaho.  According to Wikipedia, Ground was broken in March 1942 and by September the base had a population of 55,000, making it the largest city in Idaho.  Over 293,000 sailors received basic training at Farragut during its 30 months of existence.  The last recruit graduated in March 1945 and the facility was decommissioned in June 1946.  It was also used as a prisoner of war camp--nearly 900 Germans worked as gardeners and maintenance men.  Wikipedia also says that "In 1942, Lt. Commander Henry T. McMaster, supervisor of support services at the station, contracted photographer Ross Hall to produce group and portrait photos of all recruits and companies.  Operator of a studio in nearby Sandpoint, Hall employed up to 15 workers in creating a photographic archive of more than 300,000 images."  This picture of Bob is undoubtedly one of those images!

The "Thos. F. Cunningham" was one of 2,718 "Liberty ships" built between December 31, 1941 through October 1945--the greatest shipbuilding achievement in history.  They were nicknamed "The Ugly Duckling" by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. 

Though Bob was discharged from active duty in November 1946, he spent over two years confined to a sanitarium and the VA hospital as a result of tuberculosis contracted while in the Pacific.

Walter Ross Conner, Jr.
U. S. Navy, Ph.M 3/c
30 Apr 1944 - 20 Aug 1946
WALT ("Junior" until into High School)
8 March 1926 - 17 March 2002

Letter from Mom Arlene Conner to Grandpa and Grandma Noyes, 3 March 1944.  "Jr. went to Milwaukee Mon nite to enlist in Navy.  Tried out for Navy Air Corps but was rejected on account of his heart (result of rheumatic fever a year ago).  That Dr.  told him he wouldn't get anywhere, but he tried out for regular navy & made that.  Then he took advanced tests for specialized training & made that.  Will receive training to be with the medical division.  He's very happy about that as it was what he really wanted....  Won't be called until after he's finished school...."

(Continuation of "Home Breezes...June 1944..., above, BOB.)  "Walter Jr. - He too enlisted in the Navy...with the privilege of completing his H.S. work. Just recently he was ordered to report for duty in Milwaukee where he will attend summer school for preliminary training."

In March 1945, Mom Arlene Conner wrote to Grandpa and Grandma Noyes, "Jr. is in seventh heaven. He's so happy.  Is in Surgery now & yesterday we had word he'd gotten the rating of HA 1/c which gives him an added $12 per month.  He sure is a happy kid. Wish you could see some of the letters.  I surely hope twill be possible for him to become a Dr. It's the only thing for him....  Walter R. Conner, H.A. 1/c, U.S. Naval Hospital (Staff), Surgery #2, Box "S," Oakland 14, California.

Walt wrote to our folks on 10 Aug 1945.  "California is really joyful today and our hospital is just about the happiest spot I think.  Civilian photographers were out here this noon and took pictures of groups that gathered to celebrate....We had two radios going all the time so even the doctors doing their operations which were only the most needed ones could hear the latest news.  We heard that all traffic on the main street in San Francisco was closed off to avoid running over the rejoicing people.  Tonight everyone is going out if they have liberty as I am going to do.  No one wants to be on the base when Washington accepts the Jap peace offer...."

Two days later, from Walt....  "It is now Sunday afternoon.  There isn't anything going on here so we are sitting around listening to the radio for the Jap announcement.  Yes, it won't be long now till we know one way or the other.  Everyone has been carrying their radios around with them to work to hear any latest development."

15 August 1945, from Walt....  "The war is over, and don't think I'm not happy.  You might have heard over the radio about San Francisco but if you didn't I'll tell you a little of what went on.  They rolled over three taxi cabs, broke windows, climbed buildings and everything possible...."

In a letter to our parents on 21 Aug 1946, Walt wrote, "Dear Folks, I am out finally.  I was discharged at 3:32 yesterday afternoon.  It certainly is a wonderful feeling being a full fledged civilian again.  I can't believe it yet...."  He signed it, "Your loving civilian son, Walt"

Below is a poem, typed on U.S. Naval Hospital letterhead, that was with Walt's letters.

                                                      My Heros

                               Little boys, with hands so red,
                               When some guy bled and bled.
                               Little boys, with gowns bespattered,
                               You look as though that's all that mattered. 

                               Some have fought with sword and saber;
                               Others, just with manual labor,
                               But with eyes on distant futures
                               You have fought with clamps and sutures.

                               Asepto syringes are your rifles,
                               Though they seem but merely trifles.
                               Loaded with saline for the strife,
                               They haven't taken, they've saved a life.

                               With haemostat ready, and movement quick,
                               You clamp a bleeder, smooth and slick
                               Then, reinforcements, more mature
                               Up front comes your ligature.

                               Then your sutures of gut or cotton.
                               Ah no, lads!  You've not forgotten.
                               Others have gone to the field to kill,
                               But you're saving life, and always will.
                               You can't wear ribbons by glory won,
                               You've missed a lot cause killin's fun;
                               But here's my confession.  I never knew.
                               I owed my life to the surgery crew.

                                                                      author unknown

Acknowledgements and many thanks to:

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


I'm posting this on the 125th anniversary of Dad's birth!  The following was written by the Reverend Harlan C. Logan, who, as he indicates in the last paragraph, knew Dad from about 1920.  He wrote this to be included in the Memoirs, of the Minutes of the West Wisconsin Conference of the Methodist Church, 1956.  Mr. and Mrs. Logan were next door neighbors to our family at the Lakeland Ministers' Retreat, Barronett, Wisconsin since the mid-1940s.   Mr. Logan died in 1961.  I have inserted the pictures.

"Walter Ross Conner was born in McVeytown, Pennsylvania on February 19, 1888.  He was one of thirteen children, and at thirteen years of age he realized that he must help support his family.  He left school at that age to work in the mines of Pennsylvania, and for ten years toiled at rugged work in loyalty to his loved ones.

Ross, as he was generally called by those who knew him well, was a deeply religious lad, and often prayed for God’s guidance into a life of service to people.  At the age of 23, he was able to return to school, and faithfully completed the studies of the seventh and eighth grades, then continued in preparatory school, entering Williamsport Dickinson seminary and was graduated in 1915.

During those school years, Ross found time to minister to many people in the mountain sections of his home state, preaching to the lumberjacks, and at times, serving as many as six churches on a circuit.  Thus he learned to evaluate people on many classes, understand their problems, and lead many into fellowship with God.  Truly, a fine foundation for his Christian ministry in the years that followed.  He joined the Central Pennsylvania Conference on trial in 1917.

Bertha Jane, Walter Ross, Jr. (b. March 8, 1926),
Ross, Robert Hancock (b. June 15, 1923)
Ohio Wesleyan University, at Delaware, Ohio, was chosen by Ross for his college work.  His previous missionary work enabled him to secure a student pastor charge during his four years at Ohio Wesleyan.  In 1920 he was graduated with Bachelor of Arts degree.

Determined to get full preparation for his future work, Ross at once applied for admission at Garrett Biblical Institute at Evanston [Illinois].  It was while attending Garrett that he was appointed student pastor at Menominee Falls, serving there during his three years at Seminary.  On July 28, 1921, he was united in marriage with Bertha Jane Hancock of Philipsburg, Pennsylvania, who proved to be a fine helper in Christian work.  To this union two sons were born, Robert, and Walter, Jr.

Ross finished his work at Garrett in June, 1923, and in September was appointed to the pastorate at Burlington, Wisconsin and transferred his membership from Pennsylvania, to the Wisconsin Conference.  In February, 1929, he was appointed to the pastorate of the Whitewater church.  During their preparation for moving to the new charge, Mrs. Conner became seriously ill, and lived but a brief time.  This was a severe trial for Ross, but with his two small sons he moved to his new charge and began another successful pastorate.

Christmas, 1953.  Bob behind Millie (Yoder) holding
 Bradley, Grandpa William H Noyes behind Grandma
 Daisy (Eales), Walt behind Ruth (Walrath) holding
Nancy, Dad Ross behind Mom Arlene (Noyes)
  Darlene, Sidney (son of Bob and Millie), Clarice
On June 14, 1931, Ross was united in marriage to Arlene Noyes, of Hebron.  In the years that followed, together they served the Methodist churches at Whitewater, First Church; Green Bay, First Church; Wausau; and Wesley Church, La Crosse.  At the West Wisconsin conference of 1948, Ross was appointed Superintendent of the Southern District, serving the full term of six years.  He was appointed to the Portage Methodist Church in June, 1954.  This pastorate was suddenly ended on October 18, 1955, by his sudden death, caused by a severe heart attack in the early morning of the day.

So, for 35 years, Ross was an active, progressive worker in the Wisconsin Area, serving many major boards and committees.  He was also active in the work of the Wisconsin Council of churches.

The immediate family members surviving are his wife, Arlene, two sons, Robert, pastor of the Methodist Church at Oregon, Wisconsin; and Walter, on the staff of the Eau Claire County Guidance Clinic; two daughters, Darlene Annette and Clarice Marie, at home, and five grandchildren.  Two brothers and four sisters live in Pennsylvania and one sister in Florida.

Memorial services were held in the First  Methodist Church in Portage.  Those with whom Ross had so recently worked as cabinet members of the conference, conducted the service; Bishop H. Clifford Northcott, Rev. Deane Irish, district superintendent; Dr. Fred J. Jordan, Rev. Paul White, Rev. Raymond J. Fleming, and Rev. A. R. Henry.  Serving as pall bearers were four Portage pastors of other denominations:  Rev. Lloyd DeJong, Rev. Charles Abele, Rev. Calvin Ley, Rev. Ortwin Hanson and two neighboring pastors, Rev. Harold Singer of Baraboo, and Rev. Walter Hobba, of Poynette.

Having served in the Southern district when Mr. Conner was Superintendent, Rev. Nathan Thorp, Rev. James Paulson, Rev. Ralph Shackelford, and Rev. Robert Adams, comprised the quartette singing Charles Wesley’s fine Hymn, “Servant of God, Well Done.” 

Interment was made in the family lot at Hebron, Wisconsin. 

Just these personal words:  I have known Ross since his student pastorate at Menominee Falls, Wisconsin.  I was then his District Superintendent, and obtained his transfer to Wisconsin from Pennsylvania.  For the past several years our families have been close neighbors at our ministers’ retreat at Sylvan Lake, Barron County.  I shall miss him keenly, but happy memories will abide.  Harlan C. Logan"